10 Reasons why you should go kayaking

lake, kayak, fishing
There is nothing quite as peaceful as skimming a kayak across a tranquil lake. It is a pure escape from all the sights and sounds of civilization -- no phones, no cars, no tv, no mechanical whirring or buzzing, no voices. The kayak glides effortlessly over the water and all is right with the world. This is my happy place.

There is hardly a sound but the loons calling from across the water before it dives under the mirrored surface. No wind is even disturbing the glassy water and a feeling of pure content washes over you.

There is nothing quite as peaceful as skimming a kayak across a tranquil lake. It is a pure escape from all the sights and sounds of civilization — no phones, no cars, no tv, no mechanical whirring or buzzing, no voices. The kayak glides effortlessly over the water and all is right with the world. This is my happy place.

Then there is the river experience. Now, I don’t do white water, but I do love a quick pace down the river enjoying the scenery and navigating the rapids here and there. It’s a different experience from the lake yakking, but just as relaxing.

So why should you go kayaking? Let me give you my reasons and see if they make sense to you.

  1. It’s relatively inexpensive. Once you have invested in the kayak itself and a good double-ended paddle, it doesn’t cost much to load it up and take it to the closest lake or river. You can get a good recreational kayak for a little over $200.00 and a paddle for $30. You can get a few accessories like a beverage cooler and maybe a dry pack. You’re good to go.
  2. You can enjoy it all by yourself, or join in with friends if you would rather have a more party-like experience. There are often many places to beach the kayaks and have a picnic or a bonfire. Whether you are one or a dozen, kayaking is a great way to just get away from it all.
  3. You can see wildlife up close and personal. It is a thrill to have the salmon running as they frantically swim upriver within a foot of your boat. You can also see turtles, eagles, deer, foxes and more. The quiet glide of the kayak enables you to get pretty close to the critters before they take off.
  4. The scenery! One of my favorite reasons. When you’re on a lake or river, you have a vantage point that is mobile and from a perspective you can’t get from the bank. You can navigate around islands or into hidden coves. It’s so much fun to explore!
  5. It’s good exercise. It may not be equivalent to running a marathon, but you get a pretty good upper body workout, especially if you do some brisk paddling. It sure beats sitting like a spud on the couch.

So are you willing to give it a try?  There are places where you can rent kayaks if you want to just try it before you buy it.  I love spending time on the lake in my kayak.  I hope you find the same sense of peace and tranquility.

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