Find hope
and joy
in a
broken world.

Peace, joy and true happiness can be found in the presence of God — even in this crazy mixed up world.

At The Right Altitude, we show you how.

Do you ever look around this crazy world of ours and wonder …

where is God in all of this?

Why does He allow so much suffering, heartache, and injustice?  Is He listening to people’s prayers?  How can I face a future without fear, dread, and a sense of hopelessness when I see such uncertainty in the world?

At The Right Altitude, we have the resources to answer these questions and so much more.  There IS hope in a hopeless world.

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When you lean into God, you can find yourself living more purposefully, with more joy, and with a greater understanding of Who God is.

That’s what we do at The Right Altitude!

learn to live
at the
"right altitude"

God has a purpose for your life!

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.”

Isaiah 60:1

your walk
with God

Find the wonder of focusing your lens on a loving God and learn how to truly love people. Immerse yourself in timely topics and Biblical teaching. New topics every month!

A higher calling:
Members only

Mankind has corrupted the Word of God. Dig deeper into scripture and discover the false doctrines of which you may be unaware. Seek truth.
By request only.

We understand how difficult it is to look at some of the things happening around the globe and not feel apprehensive.

So what do we do?  

Draw closer to God.  

We have the tools to help you.

Come get a breath of fresh air at
The Right Altitude!

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Living at The Right Altitude Starts Here!

Do you ever look around this crazy world of ours and wonder, where is God in all of this? Why does He allow suffering, heartache, and injustice? Are you searching to answers to these questions and more? Rest assured there IS a shining hope and a boundless joy that can be yours when you truly understand scripture and find deeper meaning in God’s Word. Yes, right here and now in this crazy, unhinged world.
The problem is that the Bible has been misinterpreted, misunderstood, and used as a club to get people to change. That can made us feel frustrated and resistant to opening our hearts and letting God’s peace and joy flow in.

At The Right Altitude, we believe that knowing God is a delight — a celebration of embracing His desire for us to live a fulfilled life and instilling a hope that this sinful world is not the end. We invite you to a festival overflowing with inspiration, joy, and the beauty of worshipping our Creator. We are here to guide you into a deeper perspective of who God is and how He wants you to experience wonder, tranquility, spiritual abundance and especially hope in the life He created for you.

Subscribe today to get full access to the study materials and special offers at The Right Altitude. We promise your eye will be opened to scripture in way you have never known. You will esperience growth in the person God created you to be. You fill find joy, peace, creativity, fun and, YES, hope!

Click the link below to start your journey into a deeper relationship with God. Stop feeling uncertainty and spiritual drought so you can start living joyously for God at

We all begin somewhere ...

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of one who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

Isaiah 52:7

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