Welcome New Beginnings

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If God loves us, why does He let us crash and burn sometimes? Thankfully, we have a God of mercy because He allows us to suffer the consequences of our sin to purge us, purify us, or test our faith, for His purpose and glory.

I’ve called myself a Christian since I was a teenager. However, my path with God has been wrought with briars and thistles of my own doing. I would stumble and get back up; I would wander and God would draw me back; I would rebel and God would discipline me. He was always faithful, even when I was not.

Throughout my walk, I have slowly been changed. Each trial helped me to surrender a little bit more of me to allow God’s presence to be greater. One by one, my strongholds came down, and I distinctly remember the refreshing that came each time as my will bent to His and my path was made straight again.

One thing I think most Christians can agree on is that life is filled with trials. God didn’t promise life would be all rosy for believers, in fact, He let us know it might be really hard sometimes (Psalm 23, 1 Peter 1:6, Acts 14:22). Look at the trials so many beloved people in Bible history have gone through — Moses, David, the Apostles — to name a few. Job is quite notable for enduring great suffering and yet he found immense blessing from God on the other side (Job 42:7-17).It is good for us to be able to look to God’s Word and understand that the valleys in our lives have the potential to bring about God’s goodness when we stand strong in our faith (2 Cor. 12:9).

If you’ve never felt crushed or broken by some event in your life, it’s likely because you’re young. Anyone who has a few years under their belt, knows the pain that living in a sinful world can cause. Death, destruction and disappointment are inevitable hurtles on our path through life (Romans 5:12). It’s how we withstand them that sets us apart from unbelievers.

Someone who is in a relationship with God is equipped with the power of the Spirit which goes beyond our mortal capabilities when dealing with difficult and heartbreaking circumstances (Phil. 4:7). He has promised to never give us more than we can endure (1 Cor, 10:13). When we trust Him through the storm, there comes peace that surpasses understanding even in the most difficult times.

If God loves us, why does He let us crash and burn sometimes? Thankfully, we have a God of mercy because He allows us to suffer the consequences of our sin to purge us, purify us, or test our faith, for His purpose and glory. (James 1:2, 1 Peter 1:7). We are urged to repent and turn away from our sin or suffer eternal death (Acts 3:19). How fortunate that God allows the lessons that bring us to our knees, that completely humble us, and will thereby bring us back to Him rather than face eternity without Him. (Psalm 34:19).

Some of us are so stubborn in relinquishing our sin that it results in hitting rock bottom before we are able to look up and see His face. Humility is a good thing (Luke 18:9-14). As we are all so different, so it is with our faith walk and journey with God.God also shows us in His Word again and again that on the other side of trials and suffering is often healing and refreshing when we persevere (James 1:12, 1 Peter 5:10). We serve a loving God who longs to bless His children. Stand strong in faith during your trials and await His refreshing (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Welcome each new beginning. As we face the trials in life, my prayer is that we will each examine our hearts, and hold fast to God and to each other. There is rest awaiting us on the other side, we need only persevere in faith and love.

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