I'm still standing . . .

To say I have a lot of life experience could be considered an understatement by most.  I have lived in 8 different states, have raised four amazing sons and have met a diverse group of amazing people along the way.  I’m a mom, a grandma, a daughter, a sister, a mother-in-law, an aunt and a friend.  I am beyond blessed to have friends and acquaintances  that could fill a gymnasium, and many, many who are precious beyond words.

I have felt defeat, known heart-bursting joy and suffered devastating loss.  I have the scars of a life lived, and not always wine and roses.  As a result, it enables me to empathize with people.  I feel their pain, I celebrate their achievements and I cry when they’re sad.  I find it easy to love people.  Easy to forgive people.  Conflict is the furthest thing from my mind.



What really matters in this world are the relationships we have with others. Love is everything. God chose us because he wanted a family, and he gave us free will so that we could choose Him. Jesus, God incarnate, dwelt among us and gave us a model for how we should love others.

To say I have a lot of life experience could be considered an understatement by most.  I have lived in 8 different states, have raised four amazing sons and have met a diverse group of amazing people along the way.  I’m a mom, a grandma, a daughter, a sister, a mother-in-law, an aunt and a friend.  I am beyond blessed to have friends and acquaintances  that could fill a gymnasium, and many, many who are precious beyond words.

I have felt defeat, known heart-bursting joy and suffered devastating loss.  

I have the scars of a life lived, and not always wine and roses.  As a result, it enables me to empathize with people.  I feel their pain, I celebrate their achievements and I cry when they’re sad.  I find it easy to love people.  Easy to forgive people.  Conflict is the furthest thing from my mind.



"Love Never Fails" - I Corinthians 13

YOU are a gift!

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Romans 8:37-39

Do you understand how precious you are to God?  He wants a relationship with you so much, He gave His only Son as a sacrifice for YOU.  If you love Him back, nothing can ever come between you and Him. Nothing.

Why the right altitude?

Meet my family!

I have four handsome sons, each married to a good-hearted woman, and they have blessed me with six beautiful grandchildren.